Water Conveyance & Storage


数百万英里的水、下水道和风暴系统管道埋在我们的城市和街道下面. 这些管网和输送系统是我们生活方式的支撑系统, 将安全的饮用水输送给客户,将废水和雨水输送到处理设施,排放或再利用.

Addressing aging water infrastructure, 满足监管要求并使这些系统更具可持续性和弹性,对于确保社区拥有安全可靠的水至关重要, sewer and storm systems. 气候变化和城市化给这些系统的子孙后代带来了持续的压力.

世界领先的主要运输,储存和隧道项目,包括 Doha South Sewage Infrastructure Programme; New Zealand’s largest-ever wastewater project, the Central Interceptor; and London’s Thames Tideway Tunnel, Jacobs continues to be recognized as a gamechanger in trenchless technology. We’re ranked as the No. 1 design firm in Water Transmission Lines and Sanitary & Storm Sewers by Engineering News Record.

从输送和储存处理过的水和原水到收集废水, reclaimed water and stormwater, 雅各布斯为各种规模的项目提供各种城市运输和存储解决方案, 在每个项目中结合可持续性和适应不断变化的环境条件.

Our projects

Jacobs delivers tailored solutions worldwide. 我们的全球项目组合支持客户解决诸如老化首页等动态问题, impacts from climate change, water scarcity, flooding and affordability. 我们与客户合作开发的解决方案为社区提供了蓬勃发展所需的基础.